Next week is Minecraft week!

A whole week of Minecraft? Yes, indeed. I’m teaching a whole week for teachers on how to use Minecraft in their computer science classes! Not only helping CS teachers learn how to use it in their classes, having some serious play time, but even getting paid to do it. Kinda… Continue reading

Roguelike learning

Since one of the goals of this digital garden is to learn in public, here is what I’m banging through right now. I’ve lately discovered roguelike games, particularly the venerable old Nethack. Just what I needed — another rabbit hole! But something about the ASCII art, the retro vibe, turn-based… Continue reading

Unfettered geekiness

Not sure exactly who reads this digital garden, if anybody, but if you’re not into coding geekery, this is your trigger warning. When I get all excited about geeky stuff and wax poetic, people either join me or stare at me and back away slowly. It’s always a reminder to… Continue reading

Mid-year musings — CS in Progressive Ed, pt. 1

I’m learning in public. Which means that I’m not doing the normal everything-is-awesome social media post. I’m trying to figure something out and navigate some tricky pedagogical terrain as a kind of newbie. Just a bit of backstory….. I was hired by a local independent school to teach computer science… Continue reading


I’ve written about how AI is going to change education here. But that was back when the AI bomb first detonated and incurred widespread panic in the education field. A year later, and we all know it’s here to stay and we can’t keep it out. And we need to… Continue reading

There are worse addictions

Hi. My name is Bob, and I’m a lifelong learner. Just can’t help it, really. I love learning about almost anything, but my main jam is coding, whether that’s text-based, block-based, Minecraft-based, robots, microBits, art, music, whatever. I love making the language actually DO something, then tinkering with it to… Continue reading

A week of Minecraft mania!

This was a first for me — a complete week of doing Minecraft all day, every day. How did I get so lucky? I taught a week of Minecraft in Computer Science at a CSTA PD event for the state of South Carolina, put on by the awesome folks at… Continue reading

Minecraft Madness…

… in retirement. OMG! Now that I’m officially retired, I have time to pursue things that I really want to do! It’s a voyage of discovery, as you will find when it’s your turn. Having spent our whole careers, doing things we had to do, it’s a big jump to… Continue reading