Me and the zine scene

Ready for a trip in the Wayback Machine, to see Young Bob at age 13 publish his first fanzine? I was hooked on fantasy and scifi as a kid. I mean, reading it. There wasn’t too much to watch back then (pre-Star Wars). Just to illustrate how hooked I was,… Continue reading

An Irving Christmas memory

I was probably about 13, so Brooke would have been 11, Sue 9. We had a tradition of going to Christmas Eve service at St. Mary’s, our Episcopal church in downtown Wayne. This particular Christmas was one of those magical ones where it actually snowed a lot! In fact, it… Continue reading

Computer Science and Progressive Ed?

How can we make CS work in a student voice and choice-driven, gradeless learning environment with true differentiation allowing for student levels and learning styles? That’s the essential question. I know that student engagement is key. I know that big projects are the way to go. I know that "just-in-time"… Continue reading

There are worse addictions

Hi. My name is Bob, and I’m a lifelong learner. Just can’t help it, really. I love learning about almost anything, but my main jam is coding, whether that’s text-based, block-based, Minecraft-based, robots, microBits, art, music, whatever. I love making the language actually DO something, then tinkering with it to… Continue reading

Giving the eulogy

Last week I did one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. I wrote and delivered the eulogy for my father. I find it pretty easy to write about other things (thanks to my father, who was a writer). But this one really hit me hard. He… Continue reading

Diggin’ on Dylan

I just discovered Bob’s Theme Time Radio Hour on YouTube and had a bit of time today, so I gave it a listen. Stayed right through till the end. Just basically gobsmacked — it’s got everything. Literary references (Samuel Johnson!), fascinating backstories to artists and songs, interesting songs, all wrapped… Continue reading