Diggin’ on Dylan

I just discovered Bob’s Theme Time Radio Hour on YouTube and had a bit of time today, so I gave it a listen. Stayed right through till the end. Just basically gobsmacked — it’s got everything. Literary references (Samuel Johnson!), fascinating backstories to artists and songs, interesting songs, all wrapped… Continue reading

Chicago Bob rides again!

One of the great joys in my life is playing music. And I love playing "out" — in front of people. I know I’ll never be a star or go national, but it makes me happy to share my music live. I’m a blues guy. Though I’ve got a pretty… Continue reading

Kicking It Old School

As I’m planning my Minecraft RPG, I’m doing a lot of research into DnD and trying to refresh my memory and also see what’s been happening in the 20 years since I’ve been away from the table. One movement that I’m learning about is #OSR — Old School Renaissance or… Continue reading

Minecraft Madness…

… in retirement. OMG! Now that I’m officially retired, I have time to pursue things that I really want to do! It’s a voyage of discovery, as you will find when it’s your turn. Having spent our whole careers, doing things we had to do, it’s a big jump to… Continue reading